Sarah grew up in the Pacific Northwest and spent her childhood on a lake, loving all things outdoor, water and sun related. Although a long-time resident of Washington State, for the past 20 years she has affectionately called Utah her home. If it’s hot outside you’ll find her hiking, camping, or seeking out any large body of water, wherever that may take her. She likes to believe she was a mermaid in a previous life.
She is a mom to 3 super fun kids and when she is not in the office you can find her cheering louder, than any other parent on the sidelines of a soccer game or wandering antique malls and thrift stores looking for things to add to her vintage kitchen and Christmas collections. At night when everyone has been fed and put to bed, she finds immense joy quilting until way past her bedtime.
Sarah loves people and where they are, she wants to be. Being at the front desk of the Salt Lake office, gives her the opportunity to welcome and talk to, anyone that comes through the front door or that may call into the office. She assists the administration staff with day-to-day tasks and is currently competing to become the best resident package deliverer, lunch picker-upper and office support champion.
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