Architect / Landscape Architect / urban design / Principal

Jesse embraces having a manageable amount of the unexpected in his life. And this applies to many of his favorite things: backcountry skiing, traveling, Wes Anderson movies, and, of course, working at GSBS.

“Nobody knows what's going to happen. And then we film it. That's the whole concept.”
- Steve Zissou, The Life Aquatic

Jesse grew up in the mountains of Idaho, where he gained an appreciation for remote places and for the importance of having a connection to land and place. To Jesse, any day skiing is better than any day not skiing. He also enjoys trail running and mountain biking and other outdoor adventures that provide the freedom to explore and challenge himself.

Jesse is both a landscape architect and an architect at GSBS, where he works on many different project types and sizes. He approaches each project with a collaborative attitude that values client and stakeholder interaction and involvement. He is honored to be part of the next generation of leaders at GSBS and loves being able to contribute to its growth and future.

Notable Projects

  • Murray City Hall & Police Building, Murray, UT

  • America First Credit Union Headquarters, Riverdale, UT

  • City & County Building Seismic Repair Project, Salt Lake City, UT

  • Granary Adaptive Reuse Projects, Salt Lake City, UT

  • Regent Street Improvements Project, Salt Lake City, UT

  • Cottonwood Heights Municipal Center, Cottonwood Heights, UT

  • ENVE Composites Headquarters, Ogden, UT

  • Natural History Museum of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

  • Salt Lake City Public Safety Building, Salt Lake City, UT

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