Mariah powell


Mariah is Fort Worth born and raised, but still uses a GPS to get from one side of town to the other. Despite being directionally challenged, she loves traveling and going on new adventures with friends and family. Mariah would say she’s the courageous one out of her group of friends, and lives by “Do it, even if you’re afraid.”

Aside from being a mom, Mariah loves all things creative–painting, sewing, designing, cooking, creating music and much more. She doesn’t get much “free time,” because she owns two small businesses, but when she does you can find her spending time with family or tucked away trying to catch some much-needed ZZZs. Mariah also enjoys peace and quiet, church activities and feeding the homeless.

Mariah is in Administration at GSBS’s Texas location and is the first face you will see upon entering the building. She supports our corporate administration team and makes sure everyone in the Fort Worth office has the tools they need to succeed.

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