Josh Taylor

BIM Technician

Originally from the Midwest, Josh has taken a winding road through life. From growing up in South Dakota, to attending school in Idaho, he has found himself here in Utah, working at GSBS as a BIM technician, with a degree from BYU-Idaho in Virtual Design & Construction.

Josh tries his best to find humor in life, and is usually trying to get those around him to laugh, with his growing arsenal of pop culture references and memes. Although anosmia has kept him from smelling the finer things in life, he still find immeasurable joy through his remaining four senses.

When not at work, Josh is usually spending time with his partner Abby, playing video games and watching TV, or tinkering with a computer or two in various stages of repair. They enjoy using their time off to go on various road trips, visiting family throughout the country and rocking out to any 80s rock station they can find.

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